As my garden season comes to an end I look back on the success of the season:
What had the best harvest: My Roma Tomato Plants & My Golden Jubilee Tomato Plants.
I enjoyed eating them fresh and trying out making my own salsa.
Close 2nd: My Green Beans.
What didn't do that great: Once again Zucchini just doesn't seem to be too happy with me! Grew a couple and that's about it.
What I bought too much of: Strawberry plants! They are taking over. I do hope to benefit from a large crop next year for some delicious homemade strawberry pies! :)
This years first: Growing Green Peppers. I will do that again.
My hopes for next year: Many more blueberries!
"For as the earth bringeth forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord GOD will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations." Isaiah 61:11
Indiana Gardening Links of interest ~ Zone 5
- Indiana Orchards
- Apple Tree Cultivars for Indiana
- Indiana Garden & Plant Nurseries
- Indiana dates & ranges for Spring and Fall Planting for selected vegetables
- Indiana Monthly Garden Calendar
- Indiana Living Green Magazine
- Perennials, Trees & Shrubs that grow well in Zone 5
- Growing Green Beans and other beans in Indiana
- Growing Potatoes in Indiana
- Growing Cherry Trees in Indiana
- Pollination of Fruit Trees
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